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Being able to style the elements provided by React Native is the essence of this library, in this section the different ways to do it are explained.

The "s" function#

Styling is applied to an element using the s(<classes>) function offered by React Native Wind.

s() has the task of taking a string as a parameter, from it extracting the classes and finally retrieving the React Native styles associated with these classes and aggregating them together.

How to actually use the s() function#

The s() function can be used in two ways.

In component markup#

Directly in the Markup of the component passing it as style property of the element you want to style.

import React from "react";import { View } from "react-native";import { s } from "react-native-wind";
export const CoolComponent = () => {  // This view will be 100% width and 100% height!!  return <View style={s`w-full h-full`} />;};

In styles constant#

In React Native the style assignment is often done by referring to a constant styles external to the component. Also using React Native Wind it is possible to make the same thing:

import React from "react";import { View } from "react-native";import { s } from "react-native-wind";
export const CoolComponent = () => {  return <View style={styles.container} />;};
const styles = {  container: s`w-full h-full`,};

Use style customizations#

The s() function returns a flat object that combines all the properties represented by the classes.

const someStyle = s`h-full w-full`;

The constant someStyle will look like this

const someStyle = {  height: "100%",  width: "100%",};

In case you want to integrate the style provided by the library with a custom style for that component you can do it in this way:

import React from "react";import { View, StyleSheet } from "react-native";import { s } from "react-native-wind";
export const CoolComponent = () => {  return <View style={[s`w-full h-full`, styles.container]} />;};
const styles = StyleSheet.create({  container: {    backgroundColor: "#333",    borderRadius: 21,  },});